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发布时间:2023-09-18 来源:/ 浏览量:

MNS low-voltage drawer cabinet is a commonly used power distribution equipment. To modify its quick break setting, the following steps need to be followed:
1. 确认权限:要确定你是否有操作权限进行修改。在一些应用场合中,速断定值的修改可能需要特定的资质和权限。
1. Confirm permissions: First, determine if you have operational permissions to modify. In some applications, the modification of quick break settings may require specific qualifications and permissions.
2. 断电操作:在进行任何电气设备的操作之前,务必先切断电源,确保操作。关闭电源,确认抽屉柜内部没有电流通过。
2. Power off operation: Before carrying out any electrical equipment operation, be sure to cut off the power supply to ensure safe operation. Turn off the power and confirm that there is no current flowing inside the drawer cabinet.
3. 掌握参数:了解当前的速断定值以及需要修改为的目标值,包括额定电流、过载保护定值、短路保护定值等。
3. Master parameters: Understand the current quick break setting and the target values that need to be modified, including rated current, overload protection setting, short circuit protection setting, etc.
4. 进入设置模式:根据抽屉柜的型号和,可以使用设备上的操作面板或者连接到计算机进行配置。进入相应的设置模式,通常需要输入密码或进行身份验证。
4. Enter setup mode: Depending on the model and brand of the drawer cabinet, it can be configured using the operating panel on the device or connected to the computer. Entering the corresponding setting mode usually requires entering a password or performing authentication.
5. 寻找速断定值设置选项:在设置模式下,寻找相应的速断定值设置选项。不同的和型号可能会有不同的操作方式和菜单结构,需要按照设备说明书或生产厂家提供的操作手册进行操作。
5. Search for quick break setting options: In the setting mode, search for the corresponding quick break setting options. Different brands and models may have different operating methods and menu structures, which need to be operated according to the equipment manual or the operation manual provided by the manufacturer.
6. 修改速断定值:在速断定值设置选项中,根据实际需求修改相应的参数值。根据设备的操作界面,可通过按钮、旋钮或者键盘输入等方式进行数值的修改。
6. Modify the quick break setting value: In the quick break setting option, modify the corresponding parameter values according to actual needs. According to the operation interface of the device, numerical modifications can be made through buttons, knobs, or keyboard input.
7. 确认修改并保存:在修改完速断定值后,确认修改的数值是否正确,并保存设置。根据设备的操作界面,通常会有保存或确认修改的选项。
7. Confirm modification and save: After modifying the quick break setting value, confirm whether the modified value is correct and save the settings. According to the operation interface of the device, there are usually options to save or confirm modifications.
8. 测试验证:完成速断定值的修改后,可以进行必要的测试验证,确保设备在新的速断定值下正常工作和保护。可以模拟过载或短路情况,观察是否能够及时断开电路。
8. Test verification: After completing the modification of the quick break setting, necessary test verification can be carried out to ensure that the equipment operates and protects normally under the new quick break setting. It can simulate overload or short circuit situations and observe whether the circuit can be disconnected in a timely manner.
It should be noted that the above steps are for reference only, and the specific operation methods may vary depending on the equipment model, brand, and manufacturer. It is recommended to read the equipment manual carefully or consult the manufacturer's technical support personnel before operation to ensure correct and safe modification of the quick break setting.
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