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发布时间:2022-03-18 来源:/ 浏览量:

(1) 柜架为通用柜的型式,采用新型型钢栓接拼装而成,安装精度高,组装方便,强度高,坚固耐用。
(1) The cabinet frame is a general-purpose cabinet, which is bolted and assembled with new section steel, with high installation accuracy, convenient assembly, high strength and durability.
(2) 采用接地的金属隔板,将开关柜分成母线室、功能单元室、电缆室,各功能单元室也用接地的金属板相互隔离,互不干扰,能有效地防止故障的扩大。
(2) The switch cabinet is divided into bus room, functional unit room and cable room by grounded metal partition. Each functional unit room is also isolated from each other by grounded metal plates without interference, which can effectively prevent the expansion of fault.
(3) 抽屉单元有可靠的机械联锁装置,通过操作手柄的控制,具有接通、断开、试验、隔离和抽出五个明显的位置,当抽屉推拉到接通、断开、试验、隔离位置时,抽屉自动定位和锁定,解除定位后方可进入下一个位置。
(3) The drawer unit is equipped with reliable mechanical interlocking device. Through the control of the operating handle, it has five obvious positions: on, off, test, isolation and extraction. When the drawer is pushed and pulled to the on, off, test and isolation positions, the drawer will be automatically positioned and locked. The next position can be entered only after the positioning is released.
(4) 额定值和结构相同的抽屉,具有良好的互换性。
(4) Drawers with the same rating and structure have good interchangeability.
(5) 供电回路数多,可灵活组合,经济实用。一个柜内可配置1单元的抽屉9个,或1/2单元的抽屉18个。
(5) There are many power supply circuits, which can be flexibly combined, economical and practical. One cabinet can be equipped with 9 drawers of 1 unit or 18 drawers of 1 / 2 unit.
(6) 抽屉单元的辅助接点有32、64对两种规格(1/2抽屉为20对),能满足自动化与计算机接口的需要。
(6) There are 32 and 64 pairs of auxiliary contacts of drawer unit (20 pairs for 1 / 2 Drawer), which can meet the needs of automation and computer interface.
(7) 柜内电气元件空气间隙和爬电距离大,开关柜的绝缘强度高。
(7) The air gap and creepage distance of electrical components in the cabinet are large, and the insulation strength of the switchgear is high.
(8) 柜内选用高抗拉强度的绝缘件,加强柜体、母排系统固定支撑的强度,提高动稳定性能。
(8) Insulating parts with high tensile strength are selected in the cabinet to strengthen the strength of the fixed support of the cabinet body and busbar system and improve the dynamic stability.
(9) GCS型柜水平母线布置于柜后母线隔室内,柜后为封板结构。
(9) The horizontal bus of GCs type cabinet is arranged in the bus compartment behind the cabinet, and the rear of the cabinet is of sealing plate structure.
(10) 柜体结构可考虑电缆从柜底部和/或柜顶部进入柜体。
(10) The cabinet structure can consider that the cable enters the cabinet from the bottom and / or top of the cabinet.
(11) 可配置智能化接口装置,直接挂在现场总线或通过适配器与DCS以太网相连,在操作员站进行监控,不仅提高了监控自动化水平,同时可节省大量控制电缆,减少投资。
(11) It can be equipped with intelligent interface device, which can be directly hung on the field bus or connected with DCS Ethernet through adapter to monitor at the operator station, which can not only improve the monitoring automation level, but also save a lot of control cables and reduce investment.
(12) 柜体的防护等级高,可以满足用户对高防护等级的要求。
(12) The protection grade of the cabinet is high, which can meet the requirements of users for high protection grade.
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